French Wills

From Our French-Qualified notaire

Simplify and Streamline the Succession Process

A will is a key element of succession planning and ensuring the right people inherit your assets after your passing. Inheritance can be complex; however, properly distributing your estate can be made far more straightforward with a will. At France Tax Law, our team of French law specialists can assist with a range of services relating to French wills and French succession law.

Whether you reside in France or have property there, a French will may be necessary to ensure your assets are distributed as intended. Having a French will be drawn up by a French qualified notaire or receiving professional advice when creating a will can also simplify and streamline the succession process. This can help relinquish some stress for your beneficiaries during an already emotional and challenging time.

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French Will Law Experts

France Tax Law's team has over two decades of notarial industry experience, including many years abroad. Specialising in French and European law, our expert team is equipped to advise you on succession planning for your French assets.

France Tax Law are experts in French will law and can guide you through the process, factoring in potential cross-border inheritance. We understand inheritance jurisdictions and can navigate both French and UK laws to ensure the intended heirs receive your assets. We have years of experience delivering first-rate legal services whilst liaising between the UK and France. We can work with clients living abroad and other French legal professionals from our UK office in London. Whether you require assistance making a French will in the UK or reside in France and seek an English-speaking will lawyer proficient in both French and UK law, we're here to provide professional help tailored to your needs.

French Wills and Estate Planning

With extensive industry experience and specialised knowledge in French wills and inheritance law, we offer a variety of French wills and holographic will services.

We can also help ensure you are in the best position before drafting your will with tailored succession planning services to create an informed plan that considers UK and French law.

Before finalising how you wish your estate to be distributed after your death, it is essential to understand the full implications of your intended succession plan. Our team can navigate this process with you to create a succession plan that reflects your wishes for your estate. We advise on how both French and UK inheritance tax laws and offer guidance on cross-border inheritance, assessing their impact on your estate and heirs.

Once you have made an informed decision about your succession plans, we can help ensure your wishes are met with our French writing services.

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French Wills and Holographic and Will Services

In addition to our estate planning services, we also offer French wills and holographic wills services to establish how you wish for your estate to be shared after your passing.

Firstly, it is important to determine the appropriate way to establish your succession plan. Our French wills experts guide the best way to leave your assets to your heirs. In France, there are several ways you can do this, including; testaments (French wills), donation entre vifs (a gift to a child or family member), and donation-partage (distribution of assets to family members). We can walk you through each, how they differ, and why you may wish to use one over the other.

Once we have established how you wish for your estate to be distributed (and the consequences of these decisions), we can assist in creating a valid French will. Whether we, ourselves, draw up your will or you create a holographic will (a will written and signed by yourself), we can ensure it is legally valid for total peace of mind.

Enquire About Our French Wills Services

If you have French assets and want to ensure the intended beneficiary inherits them, speak to one of our French wills experts. A team member can assess your situation and advise on the appropriate next steps for creating and implementing your succession plan and the management of your estate. To learn more about how France Tax Law can help with your French will, call us on 020 8115 7914.

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French Will Writing FAQs

Generally, UK wills are recognised in France. However, differences in English and French inheritance laws may make them unenforceable in France.

In straightforward cases, a holographic or authentic will should suffice. In other cases, having both a UK and French will be best for securing your succession plan. The best option for you will depend on various factors, including whether you own property in France, have a business in France, or live in France. Speak to our French will experts for personalised advice to decide the best option for you.

An authentic will ensures compliance with legal requirements, reducing the risk of its validity being challenged. A holographic will, handwritten and dated by the testator, is a simpler and lower-cost option but is more likely to be challenged.

The France Tax Law team is here to help you navigate French succession, property, and tax law. Wills play a vital role in effective succession planning in both France and the UK. Explore our informative guides on French wills to learn more.

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